Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Frozen lake, frozen Italians

SNOW. So far, this weekend, so good.

got home late and tipsy after Happy Hour at work. had dinner with friends from down the road and their 3 year old daughter, made my mom's lentil soup. drank too much wine. drove friends away by singing Mountain Goats songs to them. current favorite: "This Year". to bed by midnight.

saturday. got up, played legos, cleaned pellet stove. drove two hours with my boss to a design / community input work session for a large-scale rehab / affordable housing /"green" development project outside boston. gave tours of a space identical in size to one we will use to design residential units for the community. came home, made cardboard "halloween" costumes with henry - he was an alligator. i was a fish. trick or treated to each other. dinner with him and julie. put him to bed. rolled a joint. drove frantically to store to buy condoms... picture gets blurry... when it clears, i am awake on the couch, watching monty python skits on youtube. julie sleeps on the other couch. i have a cigarette on the porch and some calvados while i wait for the snow to come. to pass the time, i write to my control-freak dominating italian friend. already 1:45am... still up.

sunday, or course, unfolded entirely differently from how i had imagined. perhaps it was the 2am emailing to italians that spoiled me for the day, but I was in full grouch mode. the day passed grouchily, despite julie's best attempt: a walk on a frozen lake with me, her, and henry (the boys with their snowshoes). but i don't get to play often enough, so it's hard to fuck it up entirely. that afternoon, more legos, trains, and julie making fishcakes and sweet potatoes for dinner. me, to bed by 10, exhausted by my own crabbiness. still not ready for another work week, but at least better rested...

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